2 april:
- Bridear en Lords Of The Trident
- Kai Hahto
- Social Distortion en The Bellrays
- The Raven Age en Disconnected 3 april:
- Frog Leap
- Very 'Eavy Festival 4 april:
- Greenleaf, Gnome en High Desert Queen
- Very 'Eavy Festival 5 april:
- Grindhoven XII
- Salacious Gods, Oerheks en Nubivagant
- Your Highness, Mould, The Fifth Alliance en LowMad 6 april:
- Anneke van Giersbergen
- Benediction, Jungle Rot en Master
- Thundermother, Cobra Spell en Vulvarine
1 mei:
- Death Goals en Stormo
- Deville
- Wodan Boys
Vandaag jarig:
- Angus Young (AC/DC) - 70
- Jeff Young (Megadeth) - 63
- Jerry Finn (producent)† - 56
- Mark Lockheart (Polar Bear) - 64
- Mick Ralphs (Bad Company) - 81
- Stuart Carruthers (Grip Inc.) - 55
- Toshimasa "Toshiya" Hara (Dir En Grey) - 48
- Victor Agnello (Lȧȧz Rockit)† - 61
[ reset zoekterm ]
Reviews gevonden voor "Eigen Beheer":
- !T.O.O.H! - Democratic Solution
- Ὁπλίτης - Ψευδομένη
- 3rd Machine - Urban Madness
- 5m3 - 5m3
- 5M3 - Promo 2005
- 88 Mile Trip - Through The Thickest Haze
- A Dark Line - Running From The Light
- A New Dawn - Promo 2006
- A New Dawn - The Wisdom Of Hindsight
- A.A. Williams - A.A. Williams
- Abstract Void - Wishdream
- Achyronthia - The Final Crossing
- Ackros - Demo
- Act Of State - Rebellion
- Acyl - Aftermath
- Addaura - Burning For The Ancient
- Adeia - Serenity
- Adrian Weiss - Easy Game
- Aegisma - Raison d' Être Kill And Attack
- Aeons of Old - Nemesis
- Aeranea - A Voice For The Lost
- Aeternam - Al Quassam
- After The Silence - Final Fantasy
- Agabus - Last Way Left
- Agankast - Dance Of The Dead
- Agankast - Welcome To Sanitarium
- Agony Atlas - Retrogression Part 1: Egomania
- Akasava - Strange Aeons
- Alanae - Return To Elements
- Aleph - In Tenebra
- Aliennation - Naked In The Filthy River
- All Comes Down - Perceptions
- All Shall Be Well (AASBWAAMOTSBW) - Zwartgroen
- Alvader - Hereniging
- Always Fallen - No Mercy For Sinners
- Always Fallen - See My Blood
- Amenophis - Chapter II - The Element Of Torture
- Amiensus - Ascension
- Anacrusis - Hindsight: Suffering Hour & Reason Revisited
- Andry - Skies
- Angel Of Sodom - Divine Retribution
- Angelic Desolation - Orchestrionic Abortion
- Anna Hodowaniec - Beginning
- Anna Hodowaniec - No More Lies
- Annicke Shireen - Demonette
- Anomally - Once In Hell...
- Another Messiah - Another Renaissance
- Another Messiah - Dark Dreams, My Child
- Another Now - Hex
- Antimatter - Black Market Enlightenment
- Anubis - These Ancient Halls
- Apathy Noir - Black Soil
- Apocrypha - Imminent Damnation
- Apocrypha - The Summit Of Creation
- Apokathilosis - Where Angels Fear to Tread
- Apparition - Reflections
- Apparition - Reminiscence
- Appollonia - Among Wolves
- Aracnofobia - Epidemie
- Archa - The First Revelation
- Archangel A.D. - Casus Belli
- Arkngthand - Songs Of Ice And Fire
- Arminius - Storms Below
- Armour - The Sonichouse Tapes
- Artaban's Redemption - Broken Puppets
- As Enemies Arise - Show Me That Smile
- As It Burns - Global Ruin
- Asbest - A Trauma Engraved
- Asgrauw - Schijngestalten
- Ashville - The Desert Anomaly
- Astral Kingdom - Into The Fire
- Astral Travellers - The Truth Beyond
- Asylum - Tyrannicide
- Atmospheres - Reach
- Atmospheres - The Departure
- Aura - New Life
- Aura - Scenario 2
- Autarkh - Instant Aether Transmissions
- Avery Plains - Avery Plains
- Axamenta - Incognation
- B-Code - B-Code
- Baatezu - Bestial Morality
- Babylon Mystery Orchestra - The Great Apostasy
- Backlash - The Binary Choice
- Badly Preserved - Decades Of Denial
- Badly Preserved - Excluding Failures
- Baldrs Draumar - Forfedres Fortellinger
- Ball Noir - Lost Serenades
- Barbarian - Heavy Metal Ressurección
- Bark - Written In Stone
- Basement - Circle of Pain
- Batmobile & Peter Pan Speedrock - Cross Contamination
- Batushka - Panikhída
- Be'lakor - The Frail Tide
- Beast of Damnation - Promo 2006
- Beast Unleashed - Rise Downfall Void
- Beaverstore - Rock 'n Death
- Before Silence - The Ultimate Nothing
- Below A Silent Sky - Corrosion
- Beneath (Zwe) - Antidote
- Between Colors - Simulacrum
- Beyond Grace - Seekers
- Beyond The Vortex - One
- Billy Boy In Poison - Invoker
- Bilox - World War III
- Birdstone - Seer
- Bitter Hærvest - Wilt
- Black Diamond - Mourning For Me
- Black Raven - The Day Of The Raven
- Black Sites - Untrue
- Black Tongue Tribe - Black Tongue Tribe
- Blackbraid - Blackbraid II
- Blackbriar - Fractured Fairytales
- Blackbriar - Our Mortal Remains
- Blackbriar - The Cause Of Shipwreck
- Blackbriar - We'd Rather Burn
- Blackguard - Storm
- Blacklist - Blacklist
- Blank Inverse - Face Of Clay
- Bleed - Bleed
- Bleed Like Mylee - Nuk Soo Kow
- Blindheart - Wolf
- Blo.Torch - Volatile
- Bloodmoon - Identity: Denied
- Bloodride - Bloodridden Disease
- Bloodsphere - Reviled Revelations
- Blueminded - Breaking The Silence
- Body Of Christ - The Schizophrenic Approach
- Bodyfarm - Bodyfarm
- Bodyrot - Demo 2003
- Bong Breaker - Mountain
- Born Loco - Tear It Apart
- BOW - City Race
- Bowling Alone & Driven - Split
- Braincasket - Methods Of Persuasion
- Brandnewday - A Better Goodbye
- Breaking The Chains - We Are Breaking The Chains
- Brimstone Coven - What Was And What Shall Be
- BruuT - Blood Moon
- Bubonic Plague - Selftitled
- BugGirl - Dirt In The Skirt
- Bulldozer Breed - One Size Hits All
- BulldozerBreed - Bulls in A Mosh
- BulldozerBreed - Promo 2005
- Bullseye Powerrock - Pulverize
- Burn The Iris - Ionosphere
- Burn The Iris - Sovereign
- Burned In Effigy - Burned In Effigy
- Burned Within - As You Burn Within Me
- Burning - Nightmares
- Burning - Scourge Of Humanity
- Burning - The P.I.D. Files
- Burning Hatred - Apocalypse Of The Dead
- Burning/Sad Iron - Back To Back
- By The Patient - Catenation of Adversity
- By The Patient - Servants
- Bypass - XXX
- Caedere - Promo 2007
- Calavera - Back To Animals
- Caldera - Iamtrash
- Calibern - Insane
- Calibern - The Darkest Night
- CanEyeScrew - Brother
- Captain, Your Ship is Sinking - Demo
- Car Bomb - Car Bomb
- Carach Angren - The Chase Vault Tragedy
- Cardamon - Sun As Never
- Cardamon - The Primrose Path
- Carnal Leftovers - Papyral Slashing
- Catapulco - Catapulco
- Caynug - Mental Junkyard
- Cellarshock - The Collision Starts Here
- Ceremony Of Opposites - Death's Dominion
- Ceremony Of Opposites - The Fear Within
- Chain of Dogs - Bridgeburners
- Chain Reaction - Open Your Eyes
- Changer - Breed The Lies
- Changing Tides - Changing Tides
- Changing Tides - Impair The Vision
- Chaosweaver - Cult Of The Buried Serpent
- Charlie Adler - We Bring Stiletto’s Into Your Home
- Chiasmata - Severance
- Chief Rebel Angel - Demo
- Child - Child
- Chiral - Snow//Heritage
- Chiraw - Dark Frequencies
- Chiraw - Resurrection
- Christian Tolle Project - The Real Thing
- Chronic Noise - Hard Metal
- Chud - Dead
- Chugun - Virus
- Ciborium - Overgrowing Human Void
- Cień - Time Of Desolation
- Cilice Orchestra - Cilice Orchestra
- Circle Of Silence - Out Of My Mind: OUT OF MY MIND!!!
- Circular - Control
- Cirrha Niva - Out Of The Freakshow
- Claire-Lyse von Dach - Moonlight
- Clemens Wijers - Parasite Twin
- Clemens Wijers - Worlds II
- Collateral Damage - Promo 2007
- Colosso - Obnoxious
- Coma Hole - Coma Hole
- Comitatus - Manipulate Demo
- Company Of Dreams - Company Of Dreams
- Concrete - zemENTER
- Confusic - Down to Earth
- Conorach - 42 Days/Patriot's Song
- Conorach - Tales From The Tavern
- Conorach - Through The Ages
- Conquestador - A Four Month History
- Conquestador - Unconscious Tales
- Conspiria - Signs And Origins
- Constant Paranoia - Spirals II Infinity
- Conteched - Criminal Industry
- Conteched - In Poor Company
- Context - Human Devolution
- Control Human Delete - Error Spectre
- Cooper - Your Trip Begins Here
- Cordura - Nibiru X en Annurth
- Corrosif - Join Us
- Côte d'Aver - Masticated Flesh
- Count Absurdo - The Night Of The Living Soil EP
- Counterparts - A Dreamer Betrayed
- Countess - Banners Of Blood
- Countess - Fires Of Destiny
- Crimson Falls - Ruins 2K5
- Crimson River - Crimson River
- Crimson River - Here's To The End... Again
- Crimson Sun - The Spirit Of Unchainable
- Crow's Flight - Crow's Flight
- Crown Compass - The Drought
- Crown Of Asteria - Great Freshwater Seas
- Crown Of Asteria - Rauðskinna
- Crown Of Madness - Elemental Binding
- Cryptopsy - The Book Of Suffering: Tome II
- Cthulhu - Cremator Of The Sky
- Cthuluminati - Reliqideus
- Curse Of The Forgotten - Sacrifice
- Curt Shaw - Curt Shaw
- Cutthroat - Morbid Mental Disorder
- Cutting Daisy - The Fools Crowned Themselves Gods
- Cycle Beating - The Age Of Depression
- Czar - Life Is No Way To Treat An Animal
- Dallian - Automata
- Dante - The Inner Circle
- Dark Horse White Horse - Dark Horse White Horse
- Dark Portrait - A Harrowing Atrocity
- Dark Suns - Swanlike
- Dark Temple - Dark Temple
- Dark Wizard - Close In The Dark
- Darkdayrising - Prelude To Dismay
- David Valdés - Paradise Lost
- De Man Met De Snor - Ontwaakt
- Dead Man's Walk - Rise Again
- Dead Quiet - Dead Quiet
- Deadbeat - Redefinition
- Deaf Radio - Alarm
- Dear Mother - Bulletproof
- Death Dealer - War Master
- Deathbox - Rebuilding The Monolith
- Deathonate - Walk The Line
- Deathrage - Souls Of The Lost
- Deconstructing Sequence - Cosmic Progression: An Agonizing Journey Through Oddities Of Space
- Defazer - Burning Horizon
- Deforge - Freedoom Release
- Degenerate - Demo 2016
- Degenerate - Devastation Ahead
- Déhà - A Luminous Constant
- Deleterious - Suspiciously Close To Infinity
- Delirium X Tremens - Cyberhuman
- Delphian - Demo 2004
- Deluzion - Alive & Wrecking
- Delvoid - Serene
- Demagogue - Nihil Obstat
- Demonstealer - This Burden Is Mine
- Derdian - Revolution Era
- Desensitised - Virus of Violence
- Desert Colossus - Eyes And Tongues
- Desert Colossus - Omnibeul
- Desire - Locus Horrendus
- Desperation - The First Battle
- Despite My Deepest Fear - Selfish Generation
- Desspo - Obscured By Metal
- Destination's Calling - Invisible Walls
- Destitution - Beware The Fury Of The Patient Man
- Destitution - The Human Error EP
- Detonation - Reprisal
- Devil's Witches - Cherry Napalm
- Devious - Wolfhagen
- Diatribe - Diatribe
- Dictated - Phobos
- Dictated - Summary Of Retribution
- Dictated - Suppressing All Who Refuse
- Diggeth - One more Yesterday
- Dilana - Animal
- Dimaeon - Echoes In A Dying World
- Dimaeon - Exit Reality
- Dimaeon - I, Mortal
- Dimension F3H - This Mechanical World
- Dimlight - Kingdom Of Horrors
- Dirty Honey - Dirty Honey
- Dirty Shirt - Different/Revolution
- Dis - Escape To Reality
- Dis - Forces Of Greed
- Disciples of Chaos - In Chaos we trust
- Disconsolate - Crimson Pleasure
- Disintegrate - Destructive Capacity
- Disintegrate - Parasites Of A Shifting Future
- Disquiet - Hate Incarnate
- Disquiet - Scars Of Undying Grief
- Divine Realm - Nordicity
- Docile - Babylon Ablaze
- Dol Theeta - Monad
- Donder - Januskop
- Doodsangst - Doodsangst
- Doomsday Outlaw - Suffer More
- Down Till Dawn - Cdemo 2004
- Dragonfly - Falling Down
- Dream Map - The Other Side
- Dream Ocean - The Missing Stone
- Dream The Electric Sleep - American Mystic
- Dreamgrave - Monuments I - The Anxious
- Dreamgrave - Presentiment
- DSHC - Doodschop Hardcore
- Duskmourn - Fallen Kings And Rusted Crowns
- Dystopia - Chaos Philosophorum
- Dystopia - Geen Weg Uit
- Dystopia - This Means War
- Ear Danger - Full Blast At Last
- Earupt - Belief/Relief
- Ebola - Bizarre Transformation
- Ebola - Rough Recordings 2005
- Eccentric Pendulum - Tellurian Concepts
- Ecliptica - Impetus
- Ecliptica - The Awakening
- Edge of Anger - Hate Charge
- Eenling - The End Of The Beginning
- El Shit - Eat My Dust
- Elderwind - Чем холоднее ночь
- Elferya - Eden's Fall
- Eligor - In Nomine
- Elizium - Angel Of Mistrust
- Elyose - Ipso Facto
- Elyose - Persona
- Embrace Depart - Promo 2005
- Empatica - Redemption
- Empire Drowns - Empire Drowns
- Empress - Fateweaver
- Encircled - Iconoclast
- Encrimson'd - Agrarian Menace
- End Of The Dream - All I Am
- Endless Cycle - Into The Opaque...
- Endrah - DEMONStration
- Endymaeria - Invocation
- Energy Of The Elements - Heavenly Force
- Engraved Disillusion - The Eternal Rest
- EnkElination - Tears Of Lust
- Enraged - It's Your Fear That Feeds Their Power
- Enraged - Resist Or Serve
- Enthria - Infinity
- Enthring - The Art Of Chaos
- Entropy - Force Convergence
- Enuma Elish - Second
- Eon - Exile
- Epic Mind - Through The Labyrinth
- Epinikion - Inquisition
- Erebus - On The Edge Of Perdition
- Erebus - Promo MMVI
- Erebus - With Furious Intent
- Escadron - Escadron
- Escadron - Tide Of The Fallen
- Escape From - Opetani Okrucienstwem
- Escape Is Not Freedom - Goldsmith
- Eternal Breath - The Joker
- Eternalice - Disconnected
- Eternalice - Transmutation
- Ethereal - Lunacy Falls
- Ethereal - Pendular
- Ethereal Spawn - The Glint Of Eden
- Etherial Dawn - Lethargic Awakenings
- Evan Carson - Ocipiňski
- Eve's Fall - From Here On
- Even Flow - Mediterraneo
- Event Relentless - Cold Black November
- Evergreen Refuge - Embers
- Evil Invaders - Evil Invaders
- Ex Libris - Amygdala
- Ex Libris - Anastasia Romanova
- Ex Libris - ANN - Chapter 3: Anne Frank
- Ex Libris - Anne Boleyn
- Ex Libris - Medea
- Exile - Demo
- Existence Denied - All In Despair
- Exploded - Gather All Destructive Strength EP
- Expulsion - The Mass Insanity
- Exsecrator - Vehemence Of Human Displeasure
- Extremities - Rakshasa
- Eyeconoclast - Clustered Dead Ending Corridors
- Fading Azalea - Maze Of Melancholy
- Fall & Resist - Darkness Of Now
- Fallen Angel - Crawling Out Of Hell
- Fallen Eight - Rise & Grow
- Far Beyond - Songs Of Hope And Sorrow
- Feared - Reborn
- Feared - Synder
- FeedForward - Barefoot & Naked
- Fellowship of the Ring - A Legend of the Elves
- Fenris - En Doodenakkers Tot Den Horizon
- Fenris - Ordeal
- Fentanyl - Feeble Existance
- Festina Lenté - Lunaworld
- Festina Lenté - Welcome To The Lunapark
- Fire Within - Fire Within
- Firefly - Guardian Angel
- Firefly - Live By The Day
- Firefly - Ruined World
- Fixion - Paraíso
- Fjord - On Icy Shores
- Fleddy Melculy - Helgië
- Fleddy Melculy - Wat De Fok?
- Float A Ziggy - The Selfish Manifest
- Float A Ziggy - The World Is My Muse
- Floor Jansen - Paragon
- FlowerLeaf - Stronger
- Flux Conduct - Qatsi
- Flux Conduct - Yetzer Hara
- Followed By Ghosts - Still, Here
- Footfalls - 7 Vadem
- For All We Know - Take Me Home
- For Blood And Vengeance - All Bets Are Off
- For I Am King - Crown
- For Ruin - Last Light
- Forcentury - Vanguard
- Forces@Work - Forcilized
- Foretold - In Rotting Memory
- Forever Never - I Can't Believe It's Not Metal
- Forlorn Suffering - Black Incisions
- Fraktions - Kalos
- Franck Carducci - The Answer
- Freund Hein - Chaos Immanent
- From Ashes - As The Leaves Fall
- From The Ashes - The Final Incarnation
- Frozen Soil - Dawning Of An Era
- Full Speed Damnation - Showground Clown Stretch
- Funus - Adrift Alone
- Furia - Furia
- Fusk - Few Successes, Many Attempts
- Future Is Tomorrow - Fit To Die (Part I)
- Gandhi's Revenge - Geen ID
- Garrotte - All Falls Apart
- Ghost Ship Octavius - Delirium
- Ghost Ship Octavius - Ghost Ship Octavius
- Gilo - Blood In Blood Out
- Goatreign - Goatreign
- Goodbye, Titan - Daedalus
- Grafjammer - Schalm & Schabauw
- GraveDroid - Tremors in Time
- Graveyard Dirt - Shadows Of Old Ghosts
- Grimgotts - Legends
- Grimgotts - Sagas
- Grimlord - Blood Runneth Over
- Grimlord - Dolce Vita Sath-anas
- Grindpad - Grave Matter
- Grindpad - Killing for a Living
- Grinter - Mucus
- Gutfuck - Promo 2004
- Gutslit - Carnal
- Gwyllion - Awakening The Dream
- Habitants - One Self
- Hangman's Hymn - Life Is Not A Miracle
- Hangman’s Hymn - The Misery March
- Hardknox - Colosseum
- Haribo Macht Kinder Froh - Where Is The Afterparty?
- Hatred - Chaos In The Flesh
- Hauk - To Hear The Trumpets Call
- Headhaunter - Fueled By Chaos
- Headhaunter - promo 2006
- Headhaunter - The Basement Barrage EP
- Heartscore - Straight To The Brain
- Heaven Ablaze - Enlightened By Darkness
- Heavy Metal Solarfall - Pulverizer
- Heidevolk - De Strijdlust is Geboren
- Heidevolk - Het Gelders Volkslied
- Heidevolk - Wodan Heerst
- Helenium - The Elements
- Hell Inc. - Drunk Ass Supreme
- Hellbore - Panopticon
- Helltown - Lead To Hell
- Hemina - Night Echoes
- Hemina - Venus
- Henrik Nordvargr Björkk - The Missing Link
- Herfst - Life's Enddesign
- Hermóðr - The Sea Of Dragons
- Hexxed - Transgression
- Hibakusha - Incarnation
- Hibakusha - Prophet Of Numbers
- Hijos de Mayo - In Sound Underground
- Horses Blew Fire - Somnium
- Houwitser - Sledgehammer Redemption
- Howling Giant - Black Hole Space Wizard Part 1 & 2
- Human Desolation - Mind Grind Paradigm
- Humavoid - Glass
- Hybrid Nightmares - The Third Age
- Hyperia - The Serpent's Cycle
- I Chaos - I Chaos
- i-(DEF)-i - demo
- Iamthemorning - Counting The Ghosts
- Ibridoma - Lady Of Darkness
- Ignea - The Realms Of Fire And Death
- Ignition Code - Upgraded
- Ikuinen Kaamos - So Rose The Dreadful Ghost
- Ilium - Quantum Evolution Event
- Illucinoma - demo 2011
- Illuminata - Where Stories Unfold
- Illumishade - ECLYPTIC: Wake Of Shadows
- Image Treason - Alms
- Image Treason - Railview EP
- Imbalance - Period Three Implies Chaos
- Imbolc - Berserker Furies
- Imperial Crystalline Entombment - Imperial Crystalline Entombment
- Imposer - Imposition Servant
- In-Quest - Made Out Of Negative Matter
- Inarborat - Wisdom Sans Words
- Indyus - Demonstration
- Infant Annihilator - The Battle Of Yaldabaoth
- Infernal Beauty - Midnartiis
- Inferum - Human Disposal
- Inferum - Modern Massacre
- Infestis - Chronicles Written In Blood
- Influence - House Of Silhouettes
- Influence - Live From The Other Side
- Influence - Shadows In The Night
- Iniuria - Lethal Dose
- INRI - Entangled in a Paradox
- Insanity Alert - First Diagnosis EP
- Insanity Arise - Insanity Is Your Weapon
- Insicknia - Ascent to the Sky
- Internal Disfunction - Nine Feet Under
- Into The Open - Destination Eternity
- Intrøspect - Midnight Sun
- Iperyt - No State Of Grace
- Irritation - Taste The Floor
- Isfere - Ebb
- Islay - The Angels' Share
- Isle Of Man - Breathe Plastic
- ISON - Andromeda Skyline
- ISON - Inner-Space
- Isthar - Among the Ruins
- It Lives - demo
- Izah - Finite Horizon/Crevice
- Izegrim - Beheaded By Trust
- Izegrim - New World Order
- Jackal - Black Inside
- Jaysynth - Until We Meet Again
- Jemineye - Restless Hearts
- Johnny Mountain - II
- Kaeos - Wolves For The Throat – Ravens For The Eyes
- Kainam - Demo 2002
- Kaligoh - Kaligoh
- Kamancello - Of Shadows
- Kane'd - Kane'd
- Kaoteon - Damnatio Memoriae
- Kaoteon - Kaoteon
- Kari Rueslatten - Silence Is The Only Sound
- Karmaflow - The Official Soundtrack
- Katafalk - Death's Contradiction
- Kelvin Zhero - New Shoes
- Kemerov - Kemerov
- KFFR - Diabolical Revolution
- Khaoz - Twist The Knife A Little Deeper
- KiaRa - Archangel
- KiaRa - Storyteller
- Killer Sixgun - Killer Sixgun
- Killface - Faceless
- Killing Cult Society - Fallout
- Kinetic - Kinetic
- King Goat - Conduit
- King Gorm - King Gorm
- King Hiss - Snakeskin
- Kingdom Divided - Kingdom Divided
- Kingfisher Sky - Arms Of Morpheus
- Kingfisher Sky - Rise
- Kingfisher Sky - To Turn The Tables
- Kings Will Fall - Thrash Force.One
- Kinkobra - Demo 2011
- Koen Herfst - LEO
- Komatsu - Komatsu
- KouweMakkers - Valse Lucht
- Kowai - Dissonance
- Kristoffer Gildenlöw - Homebound
- Krossbreed - 3 Cheers For The Misery
- Krossbreed - Carved in Stone
- Krys - Black Cat
- Kudra Mata - Legacy Of Persistence
- Kudra Mata - This Is My Pledge
- Kung Funghi - Kung Funghi
- Kurse - Tales Of The Wizard
- Kutschurft - De Eerste Harde Stukjes
- Kutschurft - Kut Maar Krachtig
- Kutschurft - Over Smaak Valt Niet Te Fisten
- Kutschurft - Zolang De Voorhuid Strekt
- La-Ventura - 2.0
- La-Ventura - A New Beginning
- La-Ventura - White Crow
- Lap Of Time - Dualism
- Last Breath Denied - Defeatism
- Last Fear - Main Course Bitch
- Last Flight To Pluto - See You At The End
- Last Son Of Eve - Gathering Stones
- Led Astray - Denying the Inevitable
- Legacy - Sickening Soresight
- Legija - Vanishing Memories
- Leonov - Leonov
- Leonov - Wake
- Les Ténèbres - ...And The Waves Came Crushing Down
- Lichfield - Dead Trees
- Liftid - Just A Few Songs
- Liftid - Stars And Lions
- Liftid - Starting Fire
- Lindsay Schoolcraft - Martyr
- Liquid Horizon - Revolutions
- LiveWire - Under Attack!
- Load - Flames In Seconds
- Locus Control - Liggur
- Lord Volture - Beast Of Thunder
- Lord Volture - Never Cry Wolf
- Lost - Last Breath
- Love Forsaken - Sex, War & Prayers
- Lucid Fear - Mistro
- Lucifer's Cold Embrace - The Elegy Of Lilith
- Lucifer’s Cold Embrace - Sovereign Heresy
- Lucky Sinners - Crankshaft Stories
- Lucky Striker 201 - Lucky Striker 201
- Lux Terminus - The Courage To Be
- Lynchpin - God Complex
- Lyonite - Disguised In Darkness
- Lyonite - Lyonite
- Lyria - Catharsis
- Lyria - Immersion
- Machina - Dark Age Digital
- Magua - Requiem
- Maiden United - Across The Seventh Sea
- Maiden United - Mind The Acoustic Pieces
- Maiden United - Remembrance
- Mainline - Neurasthenic
- Make Them Suffer - Severe Disease
- Malicious Dream - Innersensis
- Mangrove - Beyond Reality
- Manhattan Lovestory - Manhattan Lovestory
- Manora - Brave The Storm
- Manora - Dreamshapes
- Mansion - Second Death
- Mansion - Uncreation EP
- Mansion - We Shall Live EP
- Marax - Dance Within The Burning Flames Of Fire
- Marax - The Abyss Of Illusions
- Marax - The Shrine
- Marax - The Witch
- Marc De Lajoncquière - D'Ici À Altaïr
- Marcela Bovio - Through Your Eyes
- Marcela Bovio - Unprecedented
- Marcela Bovio - Unprecedented - The Piano Sessions
- Marco Garau's Magic Opera - The Golden Pentacle
- Marcos Sánchez - The Path Of The Empress
- Mary Fields - Flawless Victory Over Movement
Nieuwste reviews
28 maart:
- Alien Weaponry - Te Rā
- Arch Enemy - Blood Dynasty
- Don Airey - Pushed To The Edge
- Helloween - March Of Time
- On My Command - Conquer
- Savage Master - Dark & Dangerous
- Serpent Rider - The Ichor Of Chimaera
- The Slime - Crabwalk To Oblivion
- Urn - Demon Steel 4 april:
- Allegaeon - The Ossuary Lens
- Benediction - Ravage of Empires
- Buried Realm - The Dormant Darkness
- Smith Kotzen - Black Light/White Noise
- Smith/Kotzen - Black Light/White Noise
- Warfield - With The Old Breed 5 april:
- Wolves In The Throne Room - Wolves In The Throne Room 2005 demo
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